Weekly Update–August 16th 2024: Hot Summertime Topic 🏖️: ERC Claims & Voluntary Disclosure Program Reopen

Some summer mornings it just feels good to burrow down under the covers with the A/C blasting and no scheduled appointments.  When I walked to the beach this morning it seemed the sun had a similar idea.  My weather app did say it would be overcast at sunrise with partly sunny skies at 8 AM and full sun starting around 10 AM.  I was hoping for a brilliant sunrise as…  Read more

Weekly Digest-July 12th 2024: Summer Gardens🌱, Tax Nerds🤓, & Tax Cheats 😝ERC & Clean Energy Audits

Like the song: “It’s summertime and the living is easy…” I’m not singing, but I am finally feeling like its summer!  Without the pressure of tax deadlines, I actually enjoy coming to work.  The longer daylight hours make it easy for me to “putter” in my garden a bit before going to the office. During our weekly huddle we continue to share stories of recent social events and plans for…  Read more

Weekly Update–June 28th 2024-School’s Out for the Summer Enjoy👍🏼👍🏼⛱️🩴🎆🥾

School may be out for the summer, but for me it feels like this is conference season.  Since the beginning of June, I have attended several seminars or conferences each week and have plans for more through the end of August.  Several of them are in person, which lately seems like a treat as I catch-up with some of my professional friends.  Last night was a wonderful evening as many…  Read more

Weekly Update–February 23rd, 2024–Snow Storms⛄❄️❄️❄️Sunrises🌅 & Farm Animals 🐄🐐🫏 for a Winter Diversion

Getting caught up on a week that got away? Here’s your weekly digest of some stories relevant to business and the economy. Snow storms during tax season when so many of us work remotely are a beautiful distraction , no effect on work schedules, and fewer cars on the roads.  Even so, I was glad to see that the crews were out continuously cleaning and salting the roads. We do…  Read more

Weekly Update–February 16th, 2024-THE CLOCK IS TICKING- IRS ERC-VD DON’T MISS OUT 💖🍫❄️❄️❄️⛄🌅

Mid-February and tax season is in full swing, but that doesn’t mean we accounting professionals can’t have fun.  This week we celebrated Valentines Day, “played hooky” during a morning snow storm and are looking forward to a three day weekend as we celebrate President’s Day on Monday February 19th by closing the office.  We can always share some beautiful local photo’s and in a few months we will visit in…  Read more

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