Looking to Cook the Books 🍲🥄? Let’s Analize Your Medical Practice 🩺 &/or Business KPI’s & Benchmarking Instead 🤩Monitor/Evaluate/Tweek/Repeat

It’s still the beginning of the year and I feel this is still the best time to set your medical practice, law firm or business on the right track to have a successful AND less stressful 2025.  Over the past few weeks I have discussed: creating or updating your business plan, listed out several important general best practices or business tips, averting a cash flow crisis, and utilizing input from…  Read more

Weekly Update–September 27th 2024-Counting Figs 🌿 & Days 📅 Until the End of Tax Season 2024

It’s countdown time here again with extended 2023 trust returns due Monday the 30th, but we made it to this deadline too. Yes, it seems it’s always tax season here as we start the next countdown for extended 2023 individual and C Corporation tax returns, due October 15th.  It’s also green fig season in my garden, we have harvested over 200 super sweet ripe ones and have run out of…  Read more

WeeklyUpdate–Lucky Friday September 13th 2024 ☀️🍀🌈💛

Let’s call it Lucky Friday the 13th as we accounting professionals get an extra day to meet our major deadline this Monday and it’s a beautiful day out as well!  Monday September 16th is one of our hardest deadlines to meet as extended S-Corporations and Partnerships are due along with business and individual estimated tax payments for 2024 tax returns.  I am so grateful to be able to walk on the…  Read more

Weekly Update–September 6th, 2024-Can Good Planning Really Reduce My Next Two Estimated Tax Payments?

Our Labor Day weekend has stretched through this upcoming weekend, end of summer…not yet please.  Even with the unofficial last day of summer, the first few days of the school year, and the last few days until our major deadline, I am not ready to give up yet.  Just this morning, I skipped my walk to sleep in a bit so I could continue to enjoy our guests over a…  Read more

Weekly Update-August 30th, 2024-Celebrating Our Hard Work ⛱️🩴🍕🎇🎾

It’s Labor Day weekend (already/finally-take your pick) and I can imagine that many families are planning a long weekend as our NYC school children will be heading back to classrooms next week.  Labor Day marks the end of the summer for many; observed on the first Monday of September, with the tradition based upon celebrating “workers and their achievements during the industrial revolution“, acknowledging 12-hour days, seven days a week.   I…  Read more

Weekly Update–August 23rd, 2024-Just Counting Down the Days Until…👨🏼‍🌾🍅🔵🎾🎭🚶🏽‍♂️⛱️🩴🎇

This was a cool week for me, starting with Saturday evening catching up with some high school friends and my cousin at our Far Rockaway HS reunion, followed by an afternoon of harvesting a bumper crop of purple figs, beefsteak and San Marzano tomatoes at my friend’s house on Sunday (after picking greens in my garden that morning).  During the week I hosted/attended 2 really great accounting webinars, then checked…  Read more

Weekly Update–August 9th 2024-Hot Summertime Topic 🏖️: BOI Reporting 📜

Is it really mid-August already with summer in full swing?  For me, several planned vacations have come and gone with more on the horizon, gardens are blooming, parents are busy planning for summer camp to end soon and families are focusing on preparing for “back to school” season as well.  I am glad that my family has more planned vacations and get togethers, the next few will be here in…  Read more

Weekly Update–June 28th 2024-School’s Out for the Summer Enjoy👍🏼👍🏼⛱️🩴🎆🥾

School may be out for the summer, but for me it feels like this is conference season.  Since the beginning of June, I have attended several seminars or conferences each week and have plans for more through the end of August.  Several of them are in person, which lately seems like a treat as I catch-up with some of my professional friends.  Last night was a wonderful evening as many…  Read more

Weekly Update–June 21st 2024-Welcome to Summer ⛱️🩴👣🏕️🔥🎆

Welcome to summer 2024!  You know it’s officially summer when you mix up your second gallon of “bug juice” in my case organic spray mix for combating those invasive Spotted Lanternflies. Yes, they are back again this year, but I am ready for them,  prepared to do battle and winning. They seem to love my fig tree; I check every morning after my beach walk and find them lined up on…  Read more

Weekly Update–April 26th 2024 & Our Bags are Packed Again💼🧳✈️🏔️🚠⛷️😎

This morning we are headed home after a much needed after tax season vacation; it’s so much easier to pack when all we are adding to our luggage are a few logo tee shirts (heads up NYS they are each under $110 so no additional sales tax is due, but I do check the box each year on my personal tax return to report the recommended sales tax). It’s been…  Read more

Weekly Update-March 1st 2024: Can I Deduct My Pet on My Tax Return; He Accompanies Me to the Office 🐶🐕🐕‍🦺🐩

Welcome to March and the count down to spring, hard to believe when we were building snowmen ⛄ just last week.  We at A. Parness Company CPA are deep into tax season 2024, with several tax deadlines happening March 15, which when necessary, may be extended until September.  During our exit appointments we get many similar questions, today I am focusing on “working dogs”.  I am picturing farm dogs herding…  Read more

Weekly Update–February 23rd, 2024–Snow Storms⛄❄️❄️❄️Sunrises🌅 & Farm Animals 🐄🐐🫏 for a Winter Diversion

Getting caught up on a week that got away? Here’s your weekly digest of some stories relevant to business and the economy. Snow storms during tax season when so many of us work remotely are a beautiful distraction , no effect on work schedules, and fewer cars on the roads.  Even so, I was glad to see that the crews were out continuously cleaning and salting the roads. We do…  Read more

Weekly Update–February 16th, 2024-THE CLOCK IS TICKING- IRS ERC-VD DON’T MISS OUT 💖🍫❄️❄️❄️⛄🌅

Mid-February and tax season is in full swing, but that doesn’t mean we accounting professionals can’t have fun.  This week we celebrated Valentines Day, “played hooky” during a morning snow storm and are looking forward to a three day weekend as we celebrate President’s Day on Monday February 19th by closing the office.  We can always share some beautiful local photo’s and in a few months we will visit in…  Read more

Weekly Update–February 9th, 2024 – Tip for Protecting Your Issued Check from Mail Theft & Washing 🌅🚶🏻‍♀️🗽🍑🍊🖊️📩

It’s been crazy busy here as we head into the heat of tax season, and, if I have learned anything from prior tax seasons it’s “Take Care of You First” and it will all work out in the end, or if not, starting the day right should set the stage for your mood and your interactions. This week I made a new friend as I started my day with a…  Read more

Weekly Update–February 2nd, 2024 Groundhog Day 🌧️⛅☁️🌨️

All the talk of Groundhog Day reminded me about the 1993 movie starring Bill Murray, probably a good choice for streaming tonight with a bowl of popcorn.  As I googled the Old Farmer’s Almanac also popped up on my feeds with comments about how people swear by it.  For me I am happy to check the daily and weekly weather forecast and the Rockaway Beach tide charts on my cell phone.  At least…  Read more

Weekly Update-January 19th 2024 ❄️⛈️☀️☃️-What to Expect from The Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024

What a week of crazy weather and it just started snowing again this morning. I was happy to take advantage of the extra time off on Monday as we celebrated the life and ideas Martin Luther King jr.  A week of cold weather, soup and taxes as we head into our busy time of year.  Last week I mentioned a planned trip to meet a friend for dim sum, it…  Read more

Weekly Update – January 5th, 2024-Welcome 2024 – the BOI Reporting Clock is Ticking ⏱️

A BIG Good Morning 🌅 and welcome to 2024🥂🍾🥳🎇, I am happy to repeat the sentiment we have been hearing and repeating over the last few days “Best Wishes For A Happy Healthy New Year for You and Your Friends and Family”; I for one will continue to wish everyone a good day.   This week when speaking with my daughter we talked about the holiday meals and visits we had…  Read more

Weekly Update: December 1st, 2023, Winter’s Here ❄️🕎🎄🥂- Consider Bunching Medical Expenses

December 1st, how did this happen, I feel like it was just summer a week or two ago and I was working in my garden.  I guess the holiday decorations 🕎🎄that have sprung up this past week are a sure sign that it’s holiday time, even if we here in NYC are experiencing “warm” 37–48-degree weather. It’s winter somewhere, certainly in Michigan where we spent last week.  It is certainly…  Read more

Weekly Update–November 24th, 2023: Happy Thanksgiving 🦃, Happy Holiday

Black Friday, for me is a day to sleep in, post my weekly blog/newsletter and spend the day with family.  We arrived in Michigan late Wednesday evening and have been enjoying this family time.  Take a look at my weekly take away and you will see this week what is most important to me, as I keep this very short and sweet… Detroit Delta Lounge Meet-Up for Next Flight ✈️…  Read more

Weekly Update – September 22nd 2023 – ERC Processing on Hold

Some weeks or days are harder than others, I am so glad to have close friends I can rely on and of course the beach down my block for a quick walk at sunrise… Sunrise Yesterday Morning From Our New Beach 131st Street Rock Jetty A big thank you to all of you who wished me a happy birthday (especially someone who asked what year and thought it was my…  Read more

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