Looking to Cook the Books 🍲🥄? Let’s Analize Your Medical Practice 🩺 &/or Business KPI’s & Benchmarking Instead 🤩Monitor/Evaluate/Tweek/Repeat

It’s still the beginning of the year and I feel this is still the best time to set your medical practice, law firm or business on the right track to have a successful AND less stressful 2025.  Over the past few weeks I have discussed: creating or updating your business plan, listed out several important general best practices or business tips, averting a cash flow crisis, and utilizing input from…  Read more

Beginning of the Year Business Tips for a Successful 👍🏻🍾😊🤸🏻💰🎇Year 📅

Weekly Take-Away:  Communication is key, especially when updating processes.  This blog was scheduled to post on Tuesday (as per our new system of two general informative blogs per week).  Even though this blog features the crazy time at year-end, as an accounting firm our year-end work “bleeds” into January with required estimates and requests for planning meetings and final information requests.  This past week our work included firming up personal…  Read more

On the Road again, Sharing Insights from the San Jose Technology Conference I am Attending

I’m on the road again and sharing insights from the San Jose accounting technology conference I am attending. Liquid Breakfast Today’s conference takeaways started at breakfast, I sat down at a random table and the conversation started with “where are you from?” My computer was in my backpack so that “takeaway” was written on a napkin. Here are my highlights and takeaways from today’s conference: Show your clients you care.  It’s…  Read more

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