Weekly Digest – March 24, 2023
Is it cheating if I fill our weekly blog with photos and go lite on tax details as we count down the remaining available days to complete our work before the next deadline or until we go on vacation? This week we celebrated our 42 anniversary and welcomed our new grandog Rory into the family.
How does a CPA plan a wedding during tax season? We got married before I entered public accounting, who knew back then that the best surprise on my anniversary would be an amazing cup of coffee at my desk and a chance to glance at a few photos from our wedding…

Everyone looks so young, happy and healthy, I wore my mom’s wedding dress, I think I was a size 2 or 4. My secret, I was running 10 miles a day, more on the weekends and ate many carbs and chocolate along with salads and other healthy food!
Monday Jeff and Emily drove to Pittsburg to pick up Rory their new Blue Whippet puppy. We’ll see Jeff and Emily in Utah for our after tax season ski vacation; we’ll meet Rory in Michigan this summer.

Of course they told the breeder they would adopt Camaro, Rory’s brother and best friend if the other family could not take him.
Sometimes the hardest part of tax season is watching the weather turn to spring and wish to just sit outside in the sun and linger over breakfast, the Sunday New York Times and a great cup of coffee.

I am so glad that we no longer keep weekend appointments. I can sleep a bit later and enjoy the weather and a walk on the beach AFTER sunrise…

The one upside of tax season is the opportunity to catch up with our annual individual tax clients and here about their families. I am love the feedback about the photos I share on my blog, sometimes it’s the stormy days that produce the best sunrise shots…

It looks like we are heading into a weekend of nice weather, I hope you have some great plans. Of course I will be working but hope to sleep a bit late and have breakfast on the back deck…
Finding balance during high stress and work times is hard and many times I have to “push” myself to balance deadlines, workouts and relaxing. I find that the days that I keep to my schedule of rising early, taking a short walk then a workout on my Concept II Rowerg, Peloton or Nordic Track Cross Country Ski Machine before breakfast and work are the easiest and most productive days.
It’s Time to Contribute to Your IRA
Reminder if you are planning to make a contribution to your 2022 traditional or ROTH IRA, you still have until April 18th as well. Please be sure to indicate the tax year as 2022 when submitting the documents and payment to your broker or banker. As always we recommend that you check with your accountant before submitting your paperwork to see if you are eligible and what the tax benefits would be.
Banking, Interest Rates, Inflation
It’s been a crazy 2 weeks as we read and listen to the news, so many opinions and concerns, here are some links to articles I have been reading, please feel free to share others that you find helpful as we try to plan investment strategies, small businesses financing and budget needs, and personal financial and retirement security:
Bank Crisis Could Cast Pall Over Commercial Real Estate Market
Fed Raises Rates and Keeps An Eye on Bank Turmoil
The Fed Raises Interest Rates Again Despite the Stress Hitting the Banking System
U.S. Lawmakers to Examine Merits of Higher FDIC Bank Deposit Insurance Cap
- IRS resources for stimulus payments:
- Use the Get My Payment tool to check on EIP payment status
- Eligibility and general information about Economic Impact Payments
- A list of frequently asked questions for stimulus payments
- IRS information about the Advance Child Tax Credit Payments
- Portal to update information
- A list of frequently asked questions on the advance Child Tax Credit Payments
- The best source for up-to-date and accurate health information is the Center for Disease Control (CDC)
- Our prior blog posts, videos and prior weekly newsletters
- Entrepreneur put together a listing of free tech resources for remote work
- The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has warnings about COVID-related scams
- The New York Times has an online newsletter on K-12 and higher education
- The Wall Street Journal has a collection of articles on education
- The Louvre has digitized 482,000 artworks from its collection
- How to create a strong password
We sincerely hope that you and your family are well and remain well. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We are here for you.
If you need help with your accounting, want to create a tax minimization plan, want to discuss your business growth plan or your finances, are concerned about retirement goals or need to be held accountable for your 90 day action plan, contact us for a complimentary discovery session or an appointment to just get started.
Get in touch
Contact us if you have any questions or want to discuss the next steps for your business.