Looking to Cook the Books 🍲🥄? Let’s Analize Your Medical Practice 🩺 &/or Business KPI’s & Benchmarking Instead 🤩Monitor/Evaluate/Tweek/Repeat

It’s still the beginning of the year and I feel this is still the best time to set your medical practice, law firm or business on the right track to have a successful AND less stressful 2025.  Over the past few weeks I have discussed: creating or updating your business plan, listed out several important general best practices or business tips, averting a cash flow crisis, and utilizing input from…  Read more

Evaluate Your Business Process…Create a Road Map to Your Dream Business

“If it Ain’t Broke Don’t Fix IT” doesn’t make sense in the Business World It might not be broken, but carefully thought out processes can help make your business run more smoothly and profitably. An analogy was playing in my head as I was updating my PowerPoint about the benefits of implementing practice management for a recent accounting conference: Several times during the week one of the staff used the…  Read more

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