Weekly Update – August 25th, 2023 -Learn How Tax Planning Starts in Your Driveway

Another crazy week which started out nice with a vist from Elizabeth last Friday as we worked together before she headed upstate Saturday morning for a wedding then returned Sunday evening to spend time in the office with Monica on a special project as well (notice how her trip may qualify partly as a business expense- see my August 4th blog post).   Too bad Myriam, Ramona and Raquel were not…  Read more

Weekly Update – April 7th, Happy Passover and Easter 2023

It’s been another crazy, busy week between the holidays and the countdown to the April 18th tax filing deadlines.  I am so glad to have good friends who are the family we choose; who we joined for a seder on the first night of Passover enjoying a night of tradition, laughter and great food, what could be better… From our Passover Seder Dark chocolate fondue with fruit, shmura matzo and afikomen…  Read more

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