Know When to Hire an Expert, I Did, for NYS/NYC Mandated Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

As a New York State and City EMPLOYER, BUSINESS OWNER, EMPLOYEE, and BOARD MEMBER I, like many of you are required under the NYS and NYC mandate to get Mandatory Sexual Harassment Prevention Training and follow specific rules and guidelines.

This is a major change in the law that affects every New York employer. “It applies to all employers, both public and private, so long as there are one or more employees. The law requires that all newly hired employees be trained as soon as possible; that all current employees be trained no later than Oct. 9, 2019, and thereafter that all employees be trained on an annual basis.”

Good Work Enviornment

This requirement applies to all businesses: large and small, including single person businesses. Even if you have one employee, under New York’s new law you will be required to have a written sexual harassment prevention policy and follow other procedures as well.

As a business owner you are also required to protect non-employees providing a service in your workplace or even a client, patient or customer that may be in your office. Best business practices dictate that you to provide a safe environment for everyone in your office, now it’s the law.

We hired the firm Franklin, Gringer & Cohen, P.C. of Garden City to provide training for our office and our remote employees. They also provided training through my professional organization National Conference of CPA Practitioners (NCCPAP) via a series of sponsored sessions.

Follow this link to an article about the requirements:

Follow this link to additional information on the website:

Make Sure Your Business Meets the NYS Deadline October 9

Follow this link to additional information on the website

Make Sure Your Business Meets the NYC Deadline December 31

If you need help with your accounting, want to create a tax minimization plan, want to discuss your business growth plan or your finances, are concerned about retirement goals or need to be held accountable for your 90 day action plan, contact us for a complimentary discovery session or an appointment to just get started.



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