Looking to Cook the Books 🍲🥄? Let’s Analize Your Medical Practice 🩺 &/or Business KPI’s & Benchmarking Instead 🤩Monitor/Evaluate/Tweek/Repeat

It’s still the beginning of the year and I feel this is still the best time to set your medical practice, law firm or business on the right track to have a successful AND less stressful 2025.  Over the past few weeks I have discussed: creating or updating your business plan, listed out several important general best practices or business tips, averting a cash flow crisis, and utilizing input from…  Read more

The Battle 🥊💪🏻🥊of the #’s KPI’s vs Benchmarking? Align 🤩the Two to Monitor and Evaluate Your Data to Help Improve Business Performance👍🏻👍🏻✅💰

Our firm is working with a medical practice group, a consulting client; who is looking to understand their business performance, identify weaknesses and grow in the right direction.  Based upon need and staff expertise, their practice seems to be doing really well.  Their patient base is growing, their staff is experienced and their patients are happy working with them.  On first glance their medical practice is thriving and as such,…  Read more

BOI Alert from FinCEN ⚠️Whoa…BOI, Here We Go Again My My … 🎶🎵🎹🎷 Another Update 1/28/2025 AM

Weekly Takeaway:  No good deed… I know we tax and accounting professionals need to stay updated but I am NOT looking to get whiplash.  Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) reporting news has come in fast and slow over the past months; we and our clients are questioning “what do we have to do now” and “what is the actual deadline” .  I am glad that my firm has been proactive, keeping…  Read more

Whoa…BOI, Here We Go Again My My … 🎶🎵🎹🎷 – Sung to the Tune of Mama Mia

Whoa, BOI…Oh NO Here We Go Again… Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) reporting requirements are covered in the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA); P.L. 116-283. FinCEN has estimated that 32 million small businesses would have to file BOI reports. BOI in the BOX I was all set to schedule my post about Tax Strategies for Financial Growth and Quality of Life, when we received news that the Supreme Court has lifted the…  Read more

Avoid a Cash Flow Crisis with Tips from the Trenches 💲🏧💰✅📩🔳❔❕

Weekly Take Away:  Last Thursday January 16th, I joined and hosted a panel presentations with fellow CPA’s for our professional group – one of the topics we discussed was cash flow.  Yes, even tax and accounting professionals struggle with cash flow, billing and collections from time to time, or at least work to create processes and sytems to avoid those struggles.  We accounting professionals look to help reduce the administrative…  Read more

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